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Cara kerja

Cara Airbnb membangun kepercayaan antara Tuan Rumah dan tamu

At Airbnb, we want to build the world’s most trusted community. To help ensure the safety of everyone, we dedicate a knowledgeable and experienced team to monitor any suspicious activity in our marketplace.

Airbnb offers several features that help build trust and cultivate transparency, including our secure messaging system, reviews, the Host Guarantee, and more.

Report suspicious activity

Help keep our community safe by reporting suspicious or inappropriate activity. To report something, click the flag icon  on Profiles, Listings, or Messages.


We strive to provide our Hosts and guests with the right tools to make informed decisions regarding who they interact with on the site and in the real world.

Learn more about how Airbnb keeps our community safe by verifying user information. And find our safety tips for Hosts and guests.

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