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Kebijakan komunitas

Siapa yang dapat memiliki akun Airbnb

At Airbnb, trust is the cornerstone of our community. Our goal is for everyone to feel confident that guests and hosts are who they say they are, and that they respect Airbnb’s Community Standards. That’s why when you book a stay — or when you list a space — we require you to verify your identity. Additionally, we take measures to confirm that users are of legal age and to help prevent trust and safety issues. 

For users located in the United States and for hosts based in India, we may perform background checks as an added layer of security. You can find more information and examples on what we don’t allow below.

Examples of what we don’t allow

  • Identity misrepresentation or mismatch: Accounts should accurately represent the account owner and provide information, photos, or documents that match that person’s identity.
  • Underage users: People under the age of 18 aren’t allowed to create an Airbnb account, host a listing or make a reservation. At a stay or on an Experience, they must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Dangerous organization affiliation: Individuals affiliated with extremist groups, hate groups and organized crime groups are not allowed to have an account on Airbnb.

Background checks (US users and India-based hosts)

We don’t run background checks on every Airbnb user. If we have first and last names and dates of birth, a background check may be performed on a US user who creates a listing, or is associated with a booking to identify convictions through approved background check providers. We also may perform background checks on India-based Hosts. We screen for convictions of specific offenses that may indicate an increased safety risk to our community, and use that to determine when an individual with certain convictions might not be allowed to use our platform.

Providing valid and accurate account information is vital for the safety and security of guests and Hosts alike. If you witness or experience behavior that goes against our policies, please let us know.

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