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Cara kerja

Siapa yang bisa menjadi tuan rumah Petualangan Airbnb?

In developing best practices for Airbnb Adventures, we worked with the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA), expert leaders in the outdoor activities space. Established in 1990, the ATTA today is widely recognized as a vital leadership voice and partner for the adventure travel industry around the world.

Criteria and restrictions for hosts that lead adventures

All adventures must meet certain quality and eligibility standards before being offered to guests, and every host must demonstrate expertise relevant to the experience they host. Hosts who would like to lead an adventure with activities that may require special skills or certifications as part of that trip, must attest to having the appropriate skills certification, current first aid and CPR training, and/or access to medical services relevant to the activity they would like to lead.

For adventures involving certain activities that could pose a heightened safety risk, we look to see that hosts have licenses and/or certifications for the activity where appropriate. We work with a third-party vendor to check licenses and/or certifications for the activity.

If you're interested in becoming a host, apply now. Adventures are not yet available in China, Japan, and Korea.

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