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Cara kerja

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan pengembalian uang jika saya dibebaskan dari pajak turis di Portugal?

Certain guests staying in Portugal may be exempt from the tourist tax or qualify for a reduced rate.

Lisbon, Portugal

In Lisbon, this exemption may include guests who are:

  • Minors under the age of 13 years
  • Persons traveling for medical reasons and their travel companions
  • Persons identified as guests of governmental organizations or institutions

To find out if you qualify for a refund or a reduction, visit the tourist tax website for the municipality where you’re staying, or contact their tax office.

If you booked your stay on Airbnb in a location where we automatically collect the tourism tax, and you determine that you're due a refund, you can request a refund by contacting us. We'll ask you to send us a completed official refund request form.

Porto, Portugal

In Porto, this exemption may include guests who are:

  • Minors under the age of 13 years
  • Persons traveling for medical reasons and their travel companions
  • Persons with with a disability classed at 60 percent or over

To find out if you qualify for a refund or a reduction, visit the tourist tax website for the municipality where you’re staying, or contact their tax office.

If you’ve booked a stay on Airbnb in a location where we automatically collect the tourism tax and you determine that you're due a refund, you can request a refund directly from the Porto Authorities.

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