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Tuan Rumah

Penangguhan kegiatan Airbnb di Rusia dan Belarus

Note: Reservations in Russia and Belarus starting on or after April 4, 2022 have been canceled.

Airbnb has suspended operations in Russia and Belarus. This means that new reservations cannot be made for stays or Experiences in Russia or Belarus, and guests located in both countries will no longer be able to make new reservations anywhere in the world. 

This is an evolving situation, and we’ll provide further guidance as we receive more information.

How this affects Hosts

Listings in Russia or Belarus will no longer have availability on their calendar, and Hosts won’t be able to accept new reservations. 

How this affects guests

Guests globally will no longer be able to make new reservations for stays or Experiences in Russia or Belarus.

Guests located in Russia or Belarus will not be able to make new reservations on Airbnb.

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