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Cara kerja

Bayar melalui rekening bank Anda

We’re introducing a new way to pay for US-based travelers. You can also save when you pay with your bank account for reservations of 28 nights or more.

You’ll find the option to pay with your bank account when you’re ready to confirm and pay for your reservation. For monthly stays, the amount you’ll save will be highlighted.

You’ll be able to pay with your bank account when:

  • Your country of residence is the United States
  • Your default currency is USD
  • You’re booking a listing with a flexible or moderate cancellation policy OR you’ll be staying 28 nights or more
  • For stays of less than 28 nights, the start date of your reservation is at least 9 days away (for flexible cancellation policies) or 13 days away (for moderate cancellation policies)

Note: For reservations of 28 nights or more, you can save when you choose to pay with your bank account during the booking process. If you choose a different payment method during booking and switch your payment method to your bank account later, the savings will not be applied to your original reservation.

Learn more about paying for a monthly stay and when you’ll pay for your reservation.

Connecting your bank account

The first time you select to pay with your bank account, you’ll be prompted to connect your bank account and a new window will pop up with a simple sign-in flow with our payment partner Stripe:

  1. Klik Setuju untuk memulai prosesnya
  2. Pilih bank Anda dan ikuti alur masuk yang aman
  3. Pilih rekening bank mana yang ingin Anda gunakan dan ikuti petunjuk untuk menghubungkan akun Anda
  4. Setelah koneksi siap, klik Selesai untuk melanjutkan pembayaran

After connecting your account, you’ll see your bank account in your payment wallet. Choose your bank account and click Confirm and pay. For stays of 28 nights and more, your savings will be automatically applied.


Learn more about what to do if you’re not able to complete a transaction. If you still need assistance, click Contact us for support. 

You can change your payment method while any issues are resolved.

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